Tune Into The Cycle of Nature: Winter Solstice Rituals
This day signifies coming out of the darkness and celebrating the light as the length of the days increase.
It happens in the Northern Hemisphere on the day of the longest night and the shortest day of the year.
Many cultures view this day symbolically to represent death and rebirth.
Every year roughly around the same time in late December (usually between December 20th and 23rd) on a specific day, at a specific time…
Winter Solstice occurs
Celebrate the cycles of nature through reflection and releasing rituals and meditations.
EMBRACE HYDROTHERAPY: Discover the healing power of nature through water. I have been living in a beautiful forest on the river for the last year and every morning I do a river dunk which has helped me dramatically on all levels… mind, body, and soul. In fact, science is now proving that cold therapy can improve your concentration and even reduce inflammation in the body.
Not into jumping in an ice cold river in the middle of winter?
That’s okay, if you have a hot tub, try soaking it up in the warmth for 10 minutes and then jumping into the snow. It's invigorating and you will become addicted after a couple of times.
LIGHT A FIRE: Celebrate the coming of the light by warming up next to a fire as many cultures have for thousands of years to celebrate death and rebirth within the cycles of nature.
MAKE A COZY TEA: What says winter more than cozying up with your favorite book and tea? Make a calming tea like chamomile or peppermint.
FIND YOUR VISION: Solstice is a time of reflection and redefining yourself. Write down how you want to feel, where you want to be (mentally and physically), and what you really want to do-if nothing was holding you back in life. Did you know that a recent study found that you have a 42% increased chance of meeting your goal by simply writing it down.
COOK UP A WINTER FEAST: Add powerful winter superfoods and root vegetables into a yummy immune supportive soup.
1 small yellow onion, chopped
5 cloves garlic. chopped or crushed (to taste)
1 tsp-3 Tbsp grated fresh ginger root (to taste)
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1/2 cup sliced shiitake mushrooms
1 qt miso broth or mushroom broth
3 Tbsp fresh minced parsley
1 chopped carrot
Combine the broth, onion, ginger, carrot, garlic and mushrooms.
Simmer for 15-20 minutes.
Remove from heat and add lemon juice and parsley.
Put cover on pan and steam for 5 minutes.