What Dreams May Come: a deeper look into our dreams

We spend 1/3 of our lives doing it, we have  vivid visual and emotional experiences, and we don't quite know why!

Are they simply random brain impulses sorting out the previous days memories?

Are we processing our feelings through our unconscious?

Are we leaving our physical bodies and traveling to a different plane?

We know that sleep is an essential as food and water, a lack of it decreases our immune system, and impairs our judgement and mood.  Scientists have been trying to unravel this mystery for centuries but could it be as simple as going deeper into our own thoughts to unravel our suppressed emotions or unresolved issues?

In the class I am in this weekend (with the amazing Dr. Charles Smith), we are addressing how we can tap into our subconscious by analyzing our dream states.

Today is a simple reminder to go deeper into ourselves.