I have been looking at my medical school books for a while contemplating how I can integrate them into my decor. I knew I was always going to use these books as a reference but I was also highly aware that my book shelf needed a makeover! [gallery type="square" ids="5809"]
[gallery type="square" ids="5806,5803,5802,5804"]
Make your own book covers that enhance the decor of your home.
1. Lay your paper, pretty side face down. Open your book and lay it onto the paper cover side down. With a pencil, mark the edges of your open book onto the paper as guides.
2. Cut your paper with an extra 1 1/2" above the top and bottom guides, and an extra 3" over the side guides.
3. Remove your book. Fold the extra 1 1/2" strip down at the top and bottom edge, then lay your open book inside cover side down. The top and bottom edge of your book should match up to the top and bottom edge of your paper.
4. Centering your book, mark 1/4" away from the book's right and left side (this is to allow give so the book can close), fold the extra paper on each side over this mark, and crease. Now, tuck the front and back book covers into the pockets you've created in the extra 3" fold.
5. Add labels to the spine of the book for decoration of to add the name of the books.