It's a $5 billion dollar industry and 1 in every 5 Americans are currently taking at least one supplement or vitamin and there’s over 85,000 supplements in the United States market today. THE BIG QUESTION IS… Do you know what you’re really taking?
Is it good for you?
Do you need it?
Could it actually be harming you?
The supplement industry has little regulations which is very alarming considering how many people use them on a daily basis. The latest studies coming out on supplement safety are revealing the huge gap in regulation and quality standards. As a doctor, I always ask my patients what supplements they are currently taking and the brand. I only trust supplement companies that allow their products to be tested by outside agencies and have trusted suppliers for their ingredients.
Part Used
Location Made
Doctor Formulated
Make sure the product is standardized: (this means there is a set % of the active constituent in each bottle)
Look at what part is used of the herb. Is it the root, leaf, bark, or flower? Each part has a very specific use but some companies might use the wrong part of a little bit of everything.
How was the product harvested? Is it organic, was it harvested in a sustainable way, Is the plant endangered?
Where was the product made? (the regulations are very different in each country)
Do you know if the ingredients are sourced or tested from a third party agency? Are they transparent in where they obtain their herbs?
Are you taking any medications or other supplements? Have you checked the interactions?
How is the supplement packaged, stored, and shipped. To maintain its integrity, it must be stored in a temperature controlled environment and stored in a location that maintains its strength. It the bottle glass…clear glass or opaque? Is it plastic and are the ingredients oil based or water based?
Who formulated the supplement you are about to put into your body? Was it as doctor that understands science or a unknown company trying to make money off the latest trends.
Is it a reputable brand? Does it have a science board or are they transparent on their quality and methods?
Just because it’s natural doesn’t mean it’s safe…
The well-known study that discovered that smokers who were taking the antioxidant beta carotene had an INCREASED risk of lung cancer!
This proved an important point within the natural health industry in that botanicals, supplements, plants, minerals… are all natural but they can still cause harm when used without knowledge.
*Do not self-prescribe supplements. Herbs, supplements, and vitamins can interact with many medications and even make some conditions worse so it is wise to meet with a professional before starting a new protocol.
It's a $5 billion dollar industry and 1 in every 5 Americans are currently taking at least one supplement or vitamin…