Women's Wellness: Candida Overgrowth

An overgrowth of the yeast called Candida albicans is a common problem among women of all ages.  Antibiotics, certain drugs, stress, hormonal changes, and a diet high in sugar are all culprits that encourage the yeast growth.  Symptoms can be vague from fatigue and digestive upsets to more specific symptoms like white plaques in the mouth and sticky white vaginal discharge.  The good part is that candida can be treated naturally with herbs and dietary changes.

Here are some treatments:

  • Decrease sugar intake

  • Antifungals like Barberry, Goldenseal, and Oregon Grape Root tinctures

  • Garlic has a strong antifungal properties

  • Lavender baths to ease discomfort and its anti-fungal activity

  • Echinacea tea or tincture to stimulate the production of macrophages

  • Pau d'arco to stimulate the immune system to destroy yeast

  • Aloe Vera juice