Vegetable Cures: Carrot Poultice & Onion Ear Muffs

Sometimes the most potent cure for the common cold is right in front of us!  

Onion ear muffs are great for fighting ear infections while a carrot poultice can soothe a sore throat.


Use For: Sore Throats

The carrot poultice stimulates the body’s natural healing processes, cleanses, cools inflammation, supports cervical lymphatic movement, and reduces pain.


  1. One large carrot

  2. Cotton cloth (12” x 12”) - handkerchief, cheesecloth, etc.

  3. Wool scarf

  4. Plastic wrap


  1. Grate a large carrot then place it on the center one-third of the cotton cloth. Fold the other two thirds of the cotton cloth over the carrot, creating a packet (with one thickness of cloth under the carrot).

  2. Apply the single thickness side of cloth and carrot packet to the front of neck and cover with plastic wrap and a wool scarf, fasten in place.

  3. Leave poultice in place for a minimum of 30 minutes.


Used For: Ear Pain & Ear Infections.

The volatile oils are anti-microbial and decrease inflammation, while the warmth is soothing to irritated ears.


1 onion


1. Cut onion in half.

2. Gently heat the onion halves

3. Hold it 2 inches from the infected ear for 10 minutes