Women's Wellness: Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are those annoying, twisted, blue veins close to the surface of your skin. How do they occur? Well, first let's talk about the structure of a vein. The veins are composed of a one-way valve to assist the blood in traveling upwards towards the heart but sometimes these valves leak and blood then flows in the wrong direction. This backward flow causes the vein to overfill and then dilates branches of the veins closer to the skin. Varicose veins can occur by a variety of activities from pregnancy, constipation, heredity, and even sitting cross-legged or standing for long periods of time. It can happen to any of us healthy fashionistas!

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Music As Medicine

Medicine can come in many forms and the energetic vibrations of sound can be a potent healing modality. Sound healing uses the vibrations of specific frequencies to promote wellness. It is a proven fact that sound has a powerful impact on matter and Dr. Emoto even studied this fact using the molecular structure of water. For thousands of years civilizations have used sound to heal and access higher levels of consciousness.

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Live In The Moment

Life is such a precious thing and it's so easy to forget that all we really have is this moment...

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. Buddha

Today is life - the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Dale Carnegie

The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. Eleanor Roosevelt

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Lazy Lymphatics: plants that focus on moving the lymph system

What does our lymphatics system do? The lymphatic system can be thought of as a drainage system needed because, as blood circulates through the body, blood plasma leaks into tissues through the thin walls of the capillaries. The portion of blood plasma that escapes is called extracellular fluid and it contains oxygen, glucose, amino acids, and other nutrients needed by cells. The lymphatic system removes this fluid and these materials from tissues, returning them via the lymphatic vessels to the bloodstream, and aids in the detoxification process.

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Powerful Placebo

The placebo effect is one of the most mysterious effects of human behavior.

It is defined as "the beneficial physical or psychological change in a person resulting from conscious or non-conscious “beliefs” unaided by any medically active pill or procedure".

This is a proven fact that occurs which clearly proves that our beliefs can be more powerful than any medication!

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